Vote Worcester is a campaign To activate every Worcester resident.
We believe a thriving city starts with engaged citizens who demand change and champion progress. Together, we can transform our neighborhoods, strengthen our communities, and amplify our voices. Every vote counts in crafting the Worcester we know is possible, from revitalizing local infrastructure to enhancing educational opportunities. It's time to take action, make our voices heard, and shape the future of our city.
Join us, and let’s create a Worcester that thrives—inclusively, boldly, and unapologetically. Your vote is your power. Use it!
pissed? Do something. Vote.
pissed? Do something. Vote.

Your Vote Matters More Than You Think.
Municipal elections are often decided by razor-thin margins—sometimes just a few hundred votes. In 2023, two City Council races were decided by fewer than 170 votes. Your vote could be the one that makes the difference.
Did you Know?
118,914 Registered Voters.
As of November 2024, Worcester has 118,914 registered voters. According to the U.S. Census Bureau's 2022 estimates, the city's population is approximately 204,000. Considering that 21.9% of residents were born outside the United States, the number of eligible voting-age citizens is estimated to be around 143,000. This suggests that approximately 24,000 eligible residents (1 in 6) are not registered to vote.
165 Votes For change.
2023 District 2 City Council: Incumbent Candy Mero-Carlson was re-elected with 1,553 votes (52.8%), narrowly defeating challenger Robert Bilotta, who received 1,389 votes (47.2%). The margin of victory was just 164 votes.
18.3% Turnout.
The average voter turnout for Worcester's municipal elections in 2019, 2021, and 2023 is approximately 18.3%. There was a notable increase, with 21.9% voter turnout, equating to 24,585 out of approximately 112,000 registered voters.
87,000 People Didn’t Vote.
In 2023, Worcester had 112,000 registered voters, but only 24,585 actually voted. That means over 87,000 people left the decisions about Worcester’s leadership to a small minority.
Only 10,687 Votes.
Out of the 112,000 registered voters in Worcester, the Mayor was elected with only 10,687 votes in the 2023 municipal election. That means less than 10% of registered voters decided who would lead the city.
What else?
There’s a lot that’s confusing about local politics, and it’s kinda been setup that way. #VOTEWORCESTER is working to activate voters through civic education and making engaging with local issues more accessible. Contact us to get involved.
Are you registered?
Voting local is your most powerful tool for change. It's where your voice directly impacts the community you live in. Local elections shape the schools your children attend, the roads you drive on, and the safety of your neighborhoods.
Every vote counts, and local decisions affect your everyday life more than you may realize. Engage with the issues, support candidates who reflect your values, and take ownership of the future of your community.